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Forlag: Anders Elsrud Hultgreen
Utgivelsesår: 2016
Sideantall: 166
ISBN 978-82-303-3190-3
Opplag: 100
With the science fiction poem «Ferdsskriveren» Anders Elsrud Hultgreen brings the reader on a doomed expedition through a timeless alien landscape. Obsessed with completing the journey, we are constantly haunted by the impending fatal outcomes. Set against the seductive beauty of the perpetual external conditions – geology, botany and meteorology – we witness a life reduced to desperation, exhaustion, hopelessness and madness. With a cinematic storytelling language where hypnotic and spectacular landscape photos have equal importance to the word «Ferdsskriveren», an underlying theme rises – a lyrical meditation on environment and landscape when political borders and civilization are erased, and how human beings as a species react when we suddenly find our position as a wrecked life form in an unknown territory. The result is nothing less than an awe-inspiring downward spiral toward existential crisis and cosmic abstraction. The artists book «FERDSSKRIVEREN» is the first installment of the artists book trilogy «THE KRATON TRILOGY»
Anders Elsrud Hultgreen is a filmmaker and artists book artist based in Bergen. In 2020 he published ATOMVINTER, the final installment of his artists book trilogy named THE KRATON TRILOGY (DEVONSK FEBERTOKT 2018, FERDSSKRIVEREN 2016). THE KRATON TRILOGY is a poetic science fiction approach to lost expedition diaries of the late 1800s early 1900s.