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Utgivelsesår: 2020
Publikasjon 1: Sideantall: 32
Opplag: 80
Erik Dæhlin (born 1976) is a Norwegian composer, director and artist. He is concerned with instrumental- and music theater; music that integrates different kinds of performative material, unfolding in and beyond the music and in context to the performance space. He makes hybrid art works, where he composes and devises musical, visual and textual material, making conglomerate forms of sound based art. He also composes solo and chamber music and electro-acoustic music, as well as installations and other art works. He has his education from the conservatory in Tromsø, The Academy of Fine Art in Oslo and the Norwegian Academy of Music. Studies with Henrik Hellstenius, Asbjørn Schaathun, Jörg Mainka, Helmut Lachenmann and Helmut Oehring. He has worked with musicians and ensembles such as Karin Hellqvist, Håkon Stene, Liv Glaser, Silje Aker Johnsen, Frank Havrøy, Ingfrid Breie Nyhus, the Norwegian Radio Orchestra, MiN Ensemble, Oslo Camerata, Ensemble neoN, NING, Pinquins, BIT20, NRK, Cikada among others. His music is performerd through out Europe as well as in USA and Asia. At the time being, he is finnishing an artistic research fellowship position at the Norwegian Academy of Music, exploring compositional practice and artistic strategies in his project “Memory as Material”. Supervisors are Henrik Hellstenius, Arnold Dreyblatt and Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk.
Dæhlin har i sitt komponist- og kunstnervirke vært spesielt opptatt av instrumental- og musikkteatersjangrene, der utøverens performativitet utspilles i og forbi det musikalske materialet, og i sammenheng med den fremføringsformen som benyttes. Han skaper hybride kunstverk der det kompositoriske og regimessige arbeidet består i å sette en rekke lydlige, visuelle og tekstlige materialer i spill. Blant slike verker kan nevnes Down Under – High Above, The Hinterland Archives, Bildebeskrivelse, On Return to Scale, Desiring Machines, Absence is the Only Real, Her og Arbeidstittel: Lilleaker Folkets Hus.
I 1997 stiftet Dæhlin gruppen NING. Dette ensemblet var i 18 år en arena der utforsking av musikksceniske verk og performative sammenhenger sto i sentrum.
Erik Dæhlin har sin utdannelse fra Musikkonservatoriet i Tromsø, Statens kunstakademi i Oslo og Norges musikkhøgskole. Dæhlin holder graden philosophiae doctor i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid.