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Handlekurven er tom
Forlag: Turas Press
Utgivelsesår: 2019
Sideantall: 70
ISBN: 978-0-9957916-8-8
Opplag 200 eks
Northly is a haunting evocation of the culture and spirit of northern lands, especially Ireland and of Norway, his adopted home. The language is stark, precise and unexpectedly poignant, as the poet traces the ancient and contemporary pathways of the wanderer. Out of many strands of history, family and the contemporary world, the poet creates a beautiful tapestry of images and impressions that is both mysterious and compelling.
David Toms (f. 1988) er en irsk forfatter som bor i Norge. Han debuterte i 2011 med Soma | Sema og har skrevet flere diktsamlinger og boksingler. Han kommer ut med memoar Pacemaker (Banshee Press) høsten 2022.