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Utgitt: 2023
Between 2013 and 2019, with the aim of shedding light on aspects of the artist's condition, I self-published a series of zines about being an artist. This book, Studio Situations, collects all of them. Fictional Love, about fictional relationships, or how an artist should avoid falling in love with another artist. Backstage, about artist-run collaborations. Solo, on the importance of travelling alone to make real art. (Female) Artist, on the difference between the sexes and the exposure of their work. Age vs Beauty, on the young artist vs the more established artist. Artist's Salary, on the different win-win situations available to make money. Work, about a normal working week for an artist in a medium-sized studio in the centre of Oslo. (Self published, 2023.)
Nina Strand er en norsk fotograf, forfatter og redaktør. Hun debuterte i 2004 med kortprosaboken Gutta på gølvet og har siden utgitt fotoboken Hvordan synes du selv det går?/So, how do you think you're doing i 2008, Dr. Strand i 2015 og Residency (working title) i 2019. Strand har startet og driver Objektiv, et tidsskrift for kamerabasert kunst.